The Earth Grid, Human Levitation and Gravity Anomolies

Diamagnetic Gravity Vortexes
by Richard Lefors Clark, Ph.D.

Source: Extracted from: “Anti-Gravity and the World Grid”.
Edited by David Hatcher-Childress
Adventures Unlimited Press, Stelle, Illinois, 60919

Knowledge of the Earth Grid or “crystalline Earth” is very ancient and has been utilized by a number of civilizations. The pyramids and ley lines are on the power transfer lines of the natural Earth gravity Grid all over the world. The Earth Grid is comprised of the geometrical flow lines of gravity energy in the structure of the Earth itself.

While the subject of the Earth Grid has by now been covered in a considerable number of publications, one point in the Grid, marked by a long and strange history, at the eastern tip of Lake Ontario, is worth special mention. Most interesting here are two individuals, living one hundred years apart, who were both directly affected by this same Earth Grid point. These men were Daniel Home, the 1 9th century psychic, and Wilbert Smith, the 20th century scientist.

Daniel Home is the world famous levitator of the 1 9th century who lived in this Lake Ontario Grid point area. The period from 1820 to 1850 was apparently very active for this Grid point as many of the crowned heads of Europe and many noted scientists and world dignitaries visited Home and verified his feats of levitation. It is speculated that the Lake Ontario region may have acted as a biolectric triggering device conducive to Home’s psychic development.

Meanwhile in the 50th century, because of numerous aircraft crashes in the Lake Ontario Earth Grid area (known as the Marysburgh Vortex, and regarded as “the Other Bermuda Triangle” and “the gateway to oblivion on the eastern end of Lake Ontario”), the Canadian National Research Council and U.S. Navy began Project Magnet in 1950 to investigate the area’s magnetic anomalies and possible magnetic utility. This has been the only known official governmental research program into the Earth Grid system. A considerable number of planes and ships had mysteriously vanished from this region, while many UFO sightings were reported, and other bizarre and unearthly phenomena were noted. (For more information, refer to Hugh Cochrane’s Gateway to Oblivion, Avon Books, NY)

Wilbert Smith, a Canadian communications engineer in the Department of Transportation, was director of the team of scientists involved in this project. Project Magnet was later officially terminated when the results became too sensitive for the two governments, as the research seemed to touch upon top secret UFO data. Afterwards Wilbert Smith designed several inexpensive gravity devices, such as the Anti-Gravity Proximity Detector, the Magnetic Deflection Detector, and the EMF Collapse Collector.

Smith’s speculations are most intriguing He noted large and sometimes mobile gravity anomalies all over the Lake Ontario area. He noted areas of “reduced binding” in the atmosphere above the Lake; the areas were described as “pillar-like columns” a thousand feet across and extending for several thousand feet up into the atmosphere. Moreover, they were invisible and only detectable with sensitive equipment. Peculiarities in gravity and magnetism were noted inside these columns, possibly related to a reduction (or weakening) in the nuclear binding forces holding matter together; the nuclear binding forces seemed stronger in the north and weaker in the south. Some of these mysterious columns appeared to be mobile changing location over time.

Smith theorized that when the weakened nuclear binding forces encountered matter under stress (such as an airplane in flight) the forces holding matter together ceased to exist, exactly along the lines of maximum stress, and the material disintegrated resulting in aircraft disasters. Later theorists suggested that ionization of the air within these columns could generate luminous anomalies, and that increasing energies could make rocks and other dielectrics in the immediate area appear to rise from the ground into the air.

It was also proposed that deep Earth-caused gravity stresses produced the strange atmospheric columns. In a gravity-structured Earth which is part of a gravity universe, that is the mildest form of truthful statement possible. On a planet so determined by gravity, this would be only one of many such gravity-magnetic anomalies present on the Earth Grid. And underlying many of the magnetic peculiarities observed around the Earth is the special principle of diamagnetism, the root of anti-gravity. First we’ll see this principle at work in the local context of human-induced levitation.


The principle of diamagnetism which underlies human-induced levitation and anti-gravity vortexes on the planet can be demonstrated simply in what I call the human gravity antenna. Diamagnetism (explained below) is essentially a magnetic-neutral zone existing between a north and south magnetic field, which can be exploited for purposes of levitation. As I will indicate below, there are many such “magnetic flow reversal points” on the Earth marked by Grid points.

An arrangement of five human beings can be used as a quadruple gravity antenna to perform levitation of the central person. The weight of the central person, the levitatee, does not matter nor is the lack of strength or size of the four levitators important. What is important is the form of the quadropolar positions around the central levitatee (See Diagram 1). Here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

First, the levitators should be positioned 45 degrees off the magnetic compass direction of north, south, east, and west for maximum effectiveness. Second, alternation of male and female sex of the levitators adds to the gravity antenna s power. Third, the hand stack on the head of the central levitatee by the levitators should not have like-gendered (male/male, female/female) hands touching. Fourth, there’s no need to think of anything – just hold the hands stacked on the levitatee’s head for a count of ten. On the tenth count remove the stacked hands quickly and place one finger each on the four corners of the chair. The person in charge of counting says lift” and up goes the levitated Now let’s examine this phenomenon I like to call “Party Levitation” in more specific and practical detail.

To do Party Levitation you will need five people, one to be levitated – henceforth to be called the levitatee – and four to do the levitating – henceforth to be called the levitators.

The levitatee sits in a chair and the four levitators stand around him so that they form a square. One levitator should stand to the levitatee’s left, and just behind his shoulder. Another levitator should stand in front of him and to his left, close to his left knee. The other two should stand on the right side of the levitatee’s body and in similar positions.

Now the object of ‘Party Levitation’ is to make the levitatee’s body so light in weight that the four levitators can lift him several feet into the air using a single finger each. If the experiment is performed properly none of the levitators will feel the slightest resistance to their efforts. It will be as if the levitatee’s body has lost its weight entirely.

While the levitatee is sitting, the four levitators surround him in the manner indicated and place their hands, one atop the other, on his head, as if they were healing him by the laying on of hands.

The person who is going to float must sit relaxed in a straight-backed chair with his legs together, his feet on the floor, and his hands in his lap. The other four participants now stand two on each side of the seated party, one at each shoulder and one at the knee. Instruct all four to extend their arms and place their closed fists together, closed except for the forefingers which should be extended and touching each other along their lengths as shown. The person nearest the seated man’s left shoulder is now asked to place his two extended fingers, palms downwards, beneath his left armpit. Likewise, his opposite number inserts his forefingers beneath the right armpit, and again the other two respectively beneath the seated man’s knees.

Now invite the four assistants to lift the man in this position, using only these extended fingers. However hard they try, it is impossible. As soon as you have registered their inability to do so, ask them to stack their hands alternately, one on top of the other on the man’s head, in such a way that no person has his own two hands together, and then to exert a steady pressure downwards. As they keep this up you count to ten. On the count “nine”, they must withdraw their hands quickly from his head and resume their earlier positions with their extended forefingers. On the count of “ten” they must try again to lift the man with those fingers alone. This time he will go soaring into the air with no difficulty whatsoever.

Diamagnetism And Levitation Accomplished at Earth Grid Points

Now, kind reader, reconsider Party Levitation and perhaps do the experiment again but this time have no central person (levitatee). Instead use the heaviest chair you can find. Just stack the hands, touching on the top of the massive chair back and lift (levitate) the heavy chair. Next, place hundreds of pounds of “dead” weight (heavy books) on the chair seat and still levitate it easily with four weak children lifting. What is happening here?

You have created a small, short-duration diamagnetic levitation vortex, which is identical in function to the Earth’s big, permanent diamagnetic levitation vortexes at such places as Coral Castle, Florida, or Alice Springs, Australia.

Now, reconsider the diagram of the four persons levitating the massive chair. As humans they are the “mighty four’/ of the four cardinal compass points. Each one of the four is an energy lobe around the central object to be levitated. If I call any one of them north, you can call the others, turning counter-clockwise, west, south, and east (See Diagram 2). Try doing the levitation with only three people, positioned off-center to the appropriate 90-degree spacing. We know that both the exact number and pattern of the human levitator element, but not their exact size or physical strength, are critical to the levitation. Also we know that inanimate weight levitates as easily as animate through using a human diamagnetic vortex. We might try a piano or even a Volkswagen in place of the chair.

The remarkable thing about Party Levitation is that it works anywhere on the Earth’s surface, whereas the equivalent big, permanent Earth Grid diamagnetic levitation vortexes all have fixed geographic locations (e.g., southern Florida or central Australia).

Whether it’s on the surface of the Earth, or within the human sphere of the four levitators, the mechanism for levitation or anti-gravity is identical. In either case there are four energy lobes or directions. The north-south axis elements are usually called magnetic and the east-west axis elements are called diamagnetic.

Levitation is produced by diamagnetism existing on the surface of the Earth. (or near it). Diamagnetism operates at 90 degrees from magnetic, but in three directions, and not flat and two-dimensional on a sheet of paper as usually drawn. If magnetism flows in the plane of the Earth’s surface, then diamagnetism flows straight up. And straight up is the direction that we call levitation or anti-gravity.

In the accompanying diagram (See Diagram 3) Coral Castle s location is shown as Earth grid point #18. The west lobe is what pulled Florida down and opened the Keys area up. The east lobe is the Bermuda Triangle. Coral Castle will be referred to throughout this chapter, so a few words here of introduction to this impressive project are necessary. Coral Castle is a marvelous demonstration in stone and coral of many hidden principles of magnetics, designed and built in southern Florida by the “amateur” scientist Ed Leedskalnin in the 1 930s and 1 940s. This coral-based temple/residence includes stone furniture, a Moon pond, a North Star telescope, a precise Sundial, and other features of exact astronomical alignment.

Look at the larger map of the Earth grid (See Diagram 4) and see the diamagnetic (east-west) lobes of Earth grid point #18 in southern Florida. The tip of the Yucatan and the Mexico/Texas coastline clearly show the west diamagnetic lobe shape of Earth grid point #18. The famous Bermuda Triangle is the east diamagnetic energy lobe of Earth grid point #18 (in season).

One thing we will immediately note is that the east-west diamagnetic lobes of #18 look like a horizontal “bow tie”. This happens to be another descriptive name for what is now called in the magnetic sciences a Bloch Wall. The Bloch Wall is central to our understanding of diamagnetism, gravity vortexes, and levitation.

A Bloch Wall is a neutral center region at the junction of two magnetic poles (north/south). (See Diagrams 5, 6, 7) it is thereby a “magnetic flow reversal point” and is also known as a “diamagnetic vortex point”. The Bloch Wall is the point of division of the circling vortex, or spin, of the electronic magnetic energies of the north and south poles. The negative energy pole and north pole magnetism spins to the left; the positive energy pole and south pole magnetism spins to the right. The point of zero magnetism and no-spin, and also the point of magnetic reversal where the two spin fields join, is the Bloch Wall.

We have two antithetical elements (polarities) meeting and generating a third element, the Bloch Wall, which is a weak pressure (gravity) generator. The south pole is the source and the north pole is the sink. The individual pole energy rotations are three component vectors and the conjunction (Bloch Wall) is a tensor. The resulting “Broken 8” figure is a two dimensional concept of a quadropole pattern. We can visualize it as the spin 2, circularly polarized, gravity wave force field source.

Two antithetical force fields, the magnetic and the electric (two vector force fields) meet and generate gravity, a neutral center force field and simple two-vector system (tensor). We can state this slightly differently by saying the conjunction of two dipolar generated force field vectors (magnetic and electric) generates a quadropole force field, or gravity. Gravity, as a quadropole source, radiates in a circular 360 degrees polarization pattern, taking two cycles; thus a “spin 2” characteristic exists for gravity, and therefore gravity waves have twice the spin of electromagnetic waves.

The lack of polarization in the gravity field explains why it cannot be neutralized. As a neutral center force element, gravity cannot have polarities by definition. But it is still just as basic a generated force as the polarized forces of the magnet or the electric fields. The electric field, as well as the magnetic field, has a neutral center effect that is also a gravity wave field source. The two polarized main antithetical force fields (magnetic and electric) are triadic in themselves, as polarization by definition requires, and thus they are both gravity field sources.

In all electromagnets the Bloch Wall is actually external to the unit (See Diagram 8). The Bloch Wall, the neutral center gravity wave source, is now in the gap between the magnet faces. In terms of the electromagnetic spectrum, the point of 10 (to the power of 12) Hertz is marked as gravity, while below this is radar, radio, and standard EM frequencies; above it are infrared and optical energy frequencies. This is Nature’s neutral center in the radiant energy spectrum where Her standard design triadic system demanded it be placed. 10 (to the power of 12) Hertz is the frequency of radiated gravity (See Diagram 9).

In terms of the Earth Grid, where the Bloch Wall of gravity wave field source exists, certain physically anomalous events can take place – such as spontaneous levitation.

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