Observer Effect

Observer Effect, Observation Affects Reality. Observer in quantum physics

I have now read such a statement that no one in this world understands what quantum mechanics is. This is perhaps the most important thing to know about her. Of course, many physicists have learned to use laws and even predict phenomena based on quantum computing. But it is still unclear why the observer of the experiment determines the behavior of the system and forces it to accept one of two states.

Here are some examples of experiments with results that will inevitably change under the influence of an observer. They show that quantum mechanics is practically dealing with the intervention of conscious thought in material reality.

Today there are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, but the Copenhagen interpretation is perhaps the most famous. In the 1920s, its general postulates were formulated by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.

The Copenhagen interpretation was based on the wave function. This is a mathematical function containing information about all the possible states of a quantum system in which it exists simultaneously. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, the state of the system and its position relative to other states can only be determined by observation (the wave function is used only to mathematically calculate the probability of the system being in one or another state).

We can say that after observation the quantum system becomes classical and immediately ceases to exist in other states, in addition to the one in which it was noticed. This conclusion was found by its opponents (remember the famous Einstein’s “God does not play dice”), but the accuracy of calculations and predictions nevertheless had their own.

Nevertheless, the number of supporters of the Copenhagen interpretation is decreasing, and the main reason for this is the mysterious instantaneous collapse of the wave function during the experiment. Erwin Schrödinger’s famous thought experiment with a poor cat should demonstrate the absurdity of this phenomenon. Let’s recall the details of the Schrödinger cat in simple words. That is, the conclusion is that until the observer opens the box, the cat will endlessly balance between life and death, or will be both alive and dead. His fate can only be determined as a result of the actions of the observer. Schrödinger pointed out this absurdity.

But it turns out there is another experiment.

Electron diffractionObserver Effect 6

Observer Effect 1

According to a survey of famous physicists by The New York Times, an electron diffraction experiment is one of the most amazing studies in the history of science. What is its nature? There is a source that emits a beam of electrons on a photosensitive screen. And there is an obstacle in the way of these electrons, a copper plate with two slots.

Observer Effect 2

What picture can be expected on the screen if the electrons are usually presented to us as small charged balls? Two strips opposite the slots in the copper plate.

Observer Effect 3

But in fact, a much more complex pattern of alternating white and black stripes appears on the screen. This is due to the fact that when passing through the gap, the electrons begin to behave not only like particles, but also like waves (photons or other light particles that can be waves at the same time also behave in the same way).

Observer Effect 4

These waves interact in space, colliding and amplifying each other, and as a result, a complex pattern of alternating light and dark stripes is displayed on the screen. At the same time, the result of this experiment does not change, even if the electrons pass one after another – even one particle can be a wave and pass through two slits simultaneously. This postulate was one of the main ones in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, when particles can simultaneously demonstrate their “usual” physical properties and exotic properties like a wave.

But what about an observer? It is he who makes this complicated story even more complicated. When physicists during such experiments tried to determine with the help of a tool through which slit the electron actually passes, the picture on the screen changed dramatically and became “classic”: with two illuminated sections directly opposite the slots, without any alternating stripes. That is, once again: as soon as they bring the measuring device to the plate, the wave locally turns into a stream of individual particles. When the device is removed, the flow of individual particles again merges into the radiation, and the interference pattern can again be observed on the screen.

Observer Effect 5

The electrons did not seem to want to reveal their wave nature to the watchful eye of the observers. Sounds like a mystery covered in darkness. But there is a simpler explanation: monitoring the system cannot be carried out without physical influence on it. And one can say that the “observer effect” is actually a matter of cognitive perception of the results of the experiment. This is also called the “Quantum Effect of Consciousness.”

The same effect is observed during the extreme cooling of some atoms of a substance (the thermal – electromagnetic interaction between them is leveled out) during the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate – a group of atoms merges together and the opportunity to speak about each of them separately is lost. In the first case, the system is not specified and exhibits wave properties; in the second case, it acquires the effect of corpuscular manifestation in accordance with information that begins to interest us specifically.

Here they are trying to explain this effect by scientific methods, and hereinafter there will be explanations a bit towards non-classical science

According to the ideas of modern physics, everything materializes from the void. This void has received the name “quantum field”, “zero field” or “matrix”. Void contains energy that can turn into matter.

Matter consists of concentrated energy – this is the fundamental discovery of 20th century physics.

There are no solid parts in an atom. Items are made up of atoms. But why are objects solid? A finger attached to a brick wall does not pass through it. Why? This is due to differences in the frequency characteristics of atoms and electric charges. Each type of atom has its own vibration frequency. This determines the differences in the physical properties of objects. If it was possible to change the vibration frequency of the atoms that make up the body, then a person could pass through the walls. But the vibrational frequencies of the atoms of the hand and the atoms of the wall are close. Therefore, the finger rests against the wall.

For all types of interactions, frequency resonance is required.

This is easy to understand with a simple example. If you illuminate a stone wall with a flashlight, then the light will be delayed by the wall. However, the radiation of a mobile phone will easily pass through this wall. It’s all about the difference in frequencies between the radiation of a flashlight and a mobile phone. While you are reading this text, streams of the most varied radiation pass through your body. This is cosmic radiation, radio signals, the signals of millions of mobile phones, radiation coming from the earth, solar radiation, radiation created by household appliances, etc.

You do not feel it, because you can only see light, and hear only sound. Even if you sit in silence with your eyes closed, millions of telephone conversations, pictures of television news and radio messages pass through your head. You do not perceive it, because there is no resonance of frequencies between the atoms of which your body consists and radiation. But if there is a resonance, then you immediately react. For example, when you think of a loved one who just thought of you. Everything in the universe obeys the laws of resonance.

The world is made up of energy and information. Einstein, after much thought about the structure of the world, said: “The only reality in the universe is the field.” Just as waves are the creation of the sea, all manifestations of matter: organisms, planets, stars, galaxies are the creations of the field.

The question arises, how is matter created from the field? What force controls the movement of matter?

Research scientists led them to an unexpected answer. The creator of quantum physics, Max Planck, during his speech when receiving the Nobel Prize, said the following:

“Everything in the universe is created and exists thanks to power. We must assume that behind this force lies a conscious mind, which is the matrix of all matter. “

Matter is controlled by consciousness.

Matter is governed by consciousness. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, new ideas appeared in theoretical physics that explain the strange properties of elementary particles. Particles can arise from the void and suddenly disappear. Scientists admit the possibility of parallel universes. Perhaps particles are moving from one layer of the universe to another. Such ideas as Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten, Juan Maldacena, Leonard Susskind participate in the development of these ideas.

According to the ideas of theoretical physics – the Universe resembles a matryoshka, which consists of many matryoshkas – layers. These are variants of universes – parallel worlds. Those located nearby are very similar. But the farther the layers from each other, the less similarities between them. Theoretically, in order to move from one universe to another, spaceships are not required. All possible options are located one in another. For the first time, these ideas were expressed by scientists in the mid-20th century. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, they received mathematical confirmation. Today, such information is easily accepted by the public. However, a couple of hundred years ago, for such statements could be burned at the stake or declared crazy.

Everything arises from emptiness. Everything is in motion. Items are an illusion. Matter is made up of energy. Everything is created by thought.

These discoveries of quantum physics contain nothing new. All this was known to the ancient sages. Many mystical teachings, which were considered secret and were available only to the initiates, said that there is no difference between thoughts and objects.

Everything in the world is filled with energy.
The universe responds to thought.
Energy follows attention.
What you focus on is starting to change.

These thoughts in various formulations are given in the Bible, ancient Gnostic texts, in mystical teachings that arose in India and South America. Builders of ancient pyramids guessed about it. This knowledge is the key to the new technologies that today are used to manage reality.

Our body is a field of energy, information and mind, in a state of constant dynamic exchange with the environment.

Which explanation do you prefer?  Observer Effect, Observation Affects Reality

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