THE AETHER. Is Pure Conscious Oneness

We are not afraid to say that the energy to do these things is already there!

How many of our readers will completely discount every reported miracle of Jesus and other spiritual adepts and masters? If you resist the idea that such possibilities exist, then this book is probably not for you. Lt. Col. Bearden reminds us that when we tap this energy for our own needs, it is the equivalent of dipping a teaspoon into the ocean. This limitless reservoir of energy around us is of far greater magnitude than we could ever dream of. 

Once we accept this energy’s existence, many problems in quantum mechanics clear up. The very existence of atoms, as now seen in quantum mechanics theories, cannot be adequately explained with our existing models. (We will have much more to say on this as the book progresses.)

Dr. Hal Puthoff notes that mainstream quantum mechanics theory does not understand why an electron does not simply radiate away all of its energy and crash into the nucleus, as a satellite will eventually do in Earth orbit. If there is such a thing as an “electron,” it would indeed appear to be akin to a tiny perpetual motion machine.

When asked, quantum physicists will usually just say that this strange behavior is “the magic of quantum mechanics.”

Problematically, they propose a ’closed system’ where energy is radiated out but no new energy can come in, even though every physicist knows that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.”

However, if the electron itself were constantly drawing energy from the ZPE or aether, as Dr. Puthoff suggests, then it would be able to sustain itself as an ’open system’ just like a candle flame, where energy is constantly flowing in and flowing out.


More and more researchers are unafraid to use the forbidden word “aether” when discussing zero-point energy, this flowing background substance of the Universe that can be proven to exist everywhere.

The word “aether” had essentially become “taboo” after the Michaelson-Morley (M-M) experiment supposedly disproved its existence in 1887, even though all it truly did was to disprove the existence of a material aether, which would be a literal physical substance of matter that was hanging in the air like a gas. The original idea for this experiment was not to prove or disprove the aether’s existence; it was simply to measure how much was there.

The experiment proposed that as the Earth moved through space, there would be a “drag” of aetheric substance that could be measured in the direction of Earth’s travel, similar to ripples on a pool of water as you move your hand through it. 

There are several problems with this being used to “disprove” that there is an aether. Firstly, conventional science does not understand that gravity is the primary movement of aether on Earth that we can measure, which overrides the “aether drag” of Earth’s movement through space. To a person inside the gravitational field, gravity would be the only noticeable aetheric movement; it shields us from other movements.

Secondly, they did not realize that the aether was also forming the measuring instruments as well as the measurement area, thus making any measurement of such subtle changes impossible! Any change in the surrounding area will also produce a change in the instrument itself. 

Even though M-M did not disprove the existence of a non-material energy source such as ZPE, even the use of the term “aether” now is likely to create automatic rejection from society’s scientific authorities. As long as people continue to “believe” in the scientific fraternity’s inherent trustworthiness without examining the facts for themselves, this game can be perpetuated. And even though we cannot “see” the aether directly, we also can’t see the bacteria on our skin, the air that we breathe or the gravity that holds us to the Earth. Thus, even though one might feel that something “nonphysical” means that it cannot exist, all it really means is that it is not directly perceptible with our natural sensory organs. 

Prior to Michaelson and Morley’s experiment, most physicists agreed that this aether had to exist, and created workable models and mathematical constructs based on it. And now, the “negative” result of the M-M experiment has been superseded by a plenum of findings that prove that the ancient concepts were right all along. The difference is that we now know that atoms and molecules are composed of nothing but electromagnetic fields, whose energy comes from a source that is not yet measurable with most conventional methods!

Therefore, whereas Relativity and Quantum Mechanics were the hallmarks of 20th century physics, stalemated with obvious contradictions and impossible Babylonian towers of increasingly contorted logic, a modern interpretation of the “aether” will rapidly rejuvenate physics with new, orderly life in the 21st century, returning the Universe to an understandable Unity where we “know the playing field.” 


As our understanding of this universal energy source continues to expand, we are soon confronted with the idea that it is intelligent, that it can directly interact with our consciousness. After all, if this truly is the “Unified Field” that mainstream science has been searching for as the basis for all matter, then we are also a part of that unified field – mind, body and spirit. Or to put it in different terms, since we have consciousness, then consciousness must be a functioning part of that unified field as well.

This simple point of philosophy is quite often ignored in the course of a scientific investigation:

By virtue of the fact that consciousness exists, it must be a function of the Unified Field, whatever that turns out to be.

And in his book A Brief History of Time, well-known physicist Stephen Hawking predicted in the late 1980’s that this Unified Field Theory would be solved within twenty years. 

The concept of a consciousness that is inherent in the energy of the universe is no longer in the realm of the spooks and spiritualists, as modern quantum physicists have discovered irrefutable evidence that the expectations of the experimenter can dramatically affect the outcome of the experiment – the quantum energies involved “know that they are being watched.”

Anyone can go to the science section of their local bookstore and find scores of titles that will discuss this, such as the classic Dancing Wu-Li Masters by Gary Zukav, who is now well known for his frequent, insightful appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show. Furthermore, we also know that this conscious interaction with “matter” doesn’t have to stop with the quantum arena. 

In the field of parapsychology, which is solidly empirical and has struggled in vain for mainstream academic acceptance for many years, we have prestigious institutions such as Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research or PEAR that have absolutely proven that human consciousness can affect the outcome of seemingly “random” procedures.

This can include effects where the participant is able to demonstrate the following, statistically significant results:

  • affecting computerized random number generators
  • changing the speed with which radiation emanates from a source to be measured by a Geiger counter
  • and even affecting the random movement of ping-pong balls through a matrix of pins.

The experimenter drops the balls through a single slot into a matrix that normally should funnel them into a random configuration throughout ten or fifteen slots at the bottom, and yet by sheer intent the participant is able to significantly increase the number of ping-pong balls that fall into a certain slot.

It is also important to remember that the subjects for these sorts of experiments are not heavy-duty psychics, but ordinary people; so we are not talking about something that is only available to certain “elite” humans in our society. These experiments clearly reveal that the human being possesses untapped potential that has not yet gained mainstream scientific acceptance. 

So therefore, if the entire Universe is composed of a unified field, or One Unified Conscious Energy Source, then as we said, we are also a part of that field; our consciousness can interact with it at many levels. And though many of us have not reached consensus about who or what God actually is, we must also follow the logic and admit that all of our most fundamental conceptualizations of God must be considered in this model as well.

And when we strip away the religious and denominational distinctions of various belief systems on the planet and try to weave a single thread through their teachings, we are left with the simple fact that the fundamental nature of God’s Energy is Love and Light.

And since its nature is loving, we are told that it seeks to have everyone else feel the same way; it is continually striving to have each conscious life form in the Universe reunite with that Love and Light as much as possible. Hence, Jesus taught us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” We are told that God is evolving, through the free-will decisions of its apparently separate participants. The whole universe changes as we choose to reunite in Oneness.

The key point that can connect the concepts of God, Love and physics is the idea of sympathetic vibrations, as researcher John Keely suggested.

Keely reminds us that this principle is easily seen with a tuning fork. If you strike a tuning fork and have another nearby of similar proportions, the sound vibrations will mysteriously “carry over” to the non-vibrating fork and cause it to resonate on its own. Similarly, we have different people, different nations, different planets, and we can either choose to love and get along with each other, or choose to hate and destroy each other.

So, in the simplest possible sense, we can either have faith or simply postulate that the entire universe is One Being with One Mind, and that both the nonphysical aether and physical matter is all a fundamental part of that interconnected being. The world’s spiritual teachings all tell us that God seeks Oneness, unity and connection, and they also associate this quite directly with the concept of vibration.

To use an analogy given by Dr. Walter Russell in The Secret of Light, we can take a single wire, bend it 90 degrees and begin rotating it.

At slower speeds we can easily see the wire, but the faster we vibrate it in circular motion, the more it will appear as a completely solid disc. This is a model for how our apparently solid matter could be seen as ultimately composed of non-solid energies vibrating at a certain frequency, but it is also a model that allows us to see how the higher the vibrations rise, the more stable and Unified their composition will become. 

Therefore, Unity or Oneness is the point of “singularity” where all vibrations become simultaneous: all colors become White Light and all space and time merges into a single “moment center” – which we will cover later in the book. Again, the closer we get to the “moment point” of Oneness, the higher the vibrations will become – and the model of physics in this book will show us very concretely how this is working, if we are willing to accept that simple philosophical premise. 

And thus, even though love is often seen as merely a nebulous, subjective concept that often gets tied up in ideas of control and sexuality, in the aether models it can very well be defined:

Love is the tendency for entities within the Unified Field, whether human, “particle” or otherwise, to increasingly vibrate towards Harmonic Unity or Oneness.

So, you ask, what does love in the human being have to do with vibrational movement?

There are several ways to look at it. In a more physical sense, the feeling of love causes more motion in the nervous system and throughout the body: pupils dilate, heart rate accelerates, skin conductivity changes, perspiration increases, breathing is accelerated and neurological processes flow more quickly, leading to greater inspiration.

Moreover, the feeling of love will bring a human being into greater harmony with the others around it; there is a greater propensity to smile, to be happy, and to be friendly. In a very real sense to many spiritual philosophies, this creates a radiant motion, as when love is radiated to another person, that person also begins to feel it, and is likely to continue radiating it to others.

This radiant motion could be seen to travel through humanity in much the same way that a wave exhibits motion through a given medium, though it may not seem to be a fast-moving wave on the time axis. (At least, that is, until we study the Maharishi effect, which is covered further along in this chapter.) And indeed, the ETs tell us that at any one time, the total mass of humanity has a strong hand in determining the total vibrational frequency of the earth, whether higher or lower; so “everyone counts.”

We have stated that this motion of Love is a factor in physics, such as at the quantum level, as well as in human beings.

Consequently, the aether that forms all objects in the Universe must be in motion. But why must there be motion, you ask? Without motion, there is no Existence. If ultimately the universe is comprised simply of a Unified Field, then something has to happen within that field to create change – it can’t just “sit there.”

In other words, if the field remained static, unmoving and unchanging, then you couldn’t build reality, as on the most fundamental quantum level, energy has to move in order to function. That movement is a vibration; therefore, all elements of this Unified Field could be seen as existing fundamentally as vibrational motion. 

If the nerves in your brain were not capable of vibrating energy through themselves and into the appropriate areas, you would not be able to think or operate your body in any capacity. If blood did not vibrate through your veins by the action of various muscular contractions, you would die. If electricity is not allowed to vibrate through the circuit boards of your computer, the computer will not function. If the energy in atoms did not move, we couldn’t perceive them and they couldn’t bond with each other to form basic chemical compounds.

So for you, the human being, it is important to see that in a very direct neurochemical sense, every thought and action, however small, is creating a form of vibration in the aetheric energy that surrounds and creates you. If the electrical interactions in your brain and body were only occurring in the context of “empty space” surrounding you, then you might not expect them to travel outside of the barrier of your skin to the air– but we now know that there is no empty space in the Universe.

If all energy is unified as one field, as aetheric energy, then any movement of energy within that field must resonate throughout it – including the movement of consciousness. 

Think about it this way. Your body couldn’t function very well if each cell declared itself separate from the body and shut down, refusing to “vibrate” with the rest of the body systems. It is for this simple reason that the world’s spiritual teachers all suggest to us that God has an agenda, seeking to reinforce the loving, unifying thoughts and actions. How could one part of the body rage against another if the body is to perpetuate itself through cooperation? No one can deny that each one of us wishes to be happy – it is written directly into the Constitution of the United States as one of our most fundamental “rights.”

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