3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov


Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov. Artificial honeycomb.

Take a dozen and a half papier-machet supermarket egg cases (30-egg variety), tie them up or glue them together (one on top of another) in such a way as to join the “teeth” to one another, not to the hollow spots.


You will have large cells, similar to multi-cellular combs of a certain “paper” wasp, except many times larger. Fix the whole set (it can be enclosed in a case) over the head of a person sitting in a chair, with the bottom “comb” is 10-20 cm above the head.Leave the person there for 10-15 min. The “unnatural”, unusual transformation of the spatial shape formed by the set can be picked up even by the palm of a hand.Experiment with couching seeds, or breeding microorganisms and insects under a “macrocomb” and compare the results with those of identical experiments conducted at least 2 m away from the comb. Repeat each pair of experiments several times.

“Iron comb”. in a similar way, test the impact of common kitchen shredders piled up one on top of another, with their wire-edges down, small-hole shredders at the bottom, large-hole ones at the top.

Paper emanators of the CSE.

Paper emanators of the CSE.

Cut apartlongways-5 sheets of office paper and fold each of them accordion-like so as to get 10 edges and 20 surfaces. Squeeze the accordions to make them square and glue them on top of one another, turning each horizontally 30 degrees clockwise against the bottom one.Glue together, preferably out of dark paper, a conical, multi-layered “flower” with a few dozen petals; fluff up the petals.Test the emanators with by putting your palmon above the “flower” and underneath the suspended “accordion”. Place them above the head of the sitting person, marking his sensations.

Foam plastic

Foam plastic. We are used to the fact that this excellent thermal insulator “reflects” the warmth of the hand even at a distance. But even if you cover it with dark paper, cardboard, or a tin plate, it would still do the same. This happens due to the work of multiple vesicular caverns of the material that produce the CSE.

Foam rubber. It is widely known that a person used to sleeping on, say, a cotton wool mattress doesn’t sleep well at first on a rubber foam one, or else is unable to sleep at all. This is a typical manifestation of the CSE. Later on, the organism adapts itself to this new bed.

“Mushroom CSE”. A hunter once told me that he warms up his hands in winter on bracket-fungi. Let us recall that the lower horizontal part of this tree fungus is full of fine comb-tubes through which spores fall out in summer. What the hunter felt was not warm but a typical CSE.

Moving “combs”.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 1

Make a wooden whipping top and drill several through caverns on its sides, pencil-width in diameter or a bit wider. Their CSE significantly increases if the top is rotated; this is easily perceived by the palm.This is due to the fact that the caverns must be numerically multiplying in space.

“Flower CSE”. An “unnatural” position of such a seemingly common and pleasant object as a living flower can also change its properties. Put a bunch of several dozen bell-shaped flowers (tulips, narcissuses, lilies, bell-flowers) upside down above the head of a sitting person. To bar the impact of odors, put the flower bunch in a plastic bag. Write to me about the results.

Wind-fallen trees. One of my test subjects, a geographer, said to me after experiencing the effect of one of my “grids” that he had once had a similar sensation many years before, when he was passing a wind-fallen section of a forest. His head, ears, mouth, and the entire body felt something particularly unpleasant-the same thing he felt under my grid. This means that the abruptly disrupted shape of the normal multi-cavernous space of the forest for some time emanated waves unpleasant for humans.

Before the rain. Place a shower nozzle on a tap and run cold water. Slowly move your hand toward the drops coming from the sides: most people feel “warmth”. In reality, this is the CSE reinforced by the movement of ever new elements of the “multi-layered” grid-water drops and gaps between them. After practicing in the bathroom or kitchen, pick up an even stronger CSE from fountains and waterfalls. Even when the atmospheric pressure is high, the shroud of a distant rain creates a powerful CSE field that has its impact on a large area. Have you ever felt sleepy before the rain even in enclosed premises? The CSE cannot be screened.

“The CSE of a book”.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 2

Take a thick, preferably well-read book and place it upright on the edge of a desk with its back facing the direction of the sun (e.g. facing north at night).Open the book and fluff up its pages as evenly as possible. In a few minutes (the CSE does not appear immediately, as it doesn’t disappear immediately ether), pick up with your palm, tongue, or back of your head some of the sensations mentioned in this chapter.This “tail”, after some practice, can be picked up at a 2-3 meters’ distance. It is also easy to verify that the “book CSE” is also non-screenable-ask someone to stand between the hadn and the book.

“A large cone” with an artificial comb filling and three magnets at the back.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 3

Two cones of this sort, positioned against each other taking into account the position of the sun, were in the morning of April 23, 1991, thrown apart and disfigured. One had been placed in Isilkul, the other near Novosibirsk (the second one was unfolded and pressed into the wall of an underground hiding place; its magnets disappeared).At the same moment, residents of an Omsk apartment experienced a series of strangest “poltergeists” (see Vechernii Omsk for April 26 and Omsk and Moscow TV broadcasts). Because of this coincidence, on August 5, 1991, the same paper called the device in the picture “a Grebennikov’s hyperboloid”.Actually, one of the “beams” of the upright electronic waves between the two structures may have been formed precisely there, on the Irtysh embankment in Omsk.

“A medium cone”.Tightly insert a dozen plastic household funnels into each other and fix the structure on any support with the nozzles turned toward the sun. Cover the bell end of the top funnel with a net or light blue cloth (so that the tested subjects not anticipate heat).

“A small cone”. Tightly roll up two unusable rolls of film, tied them up with string or thread and make a bell-shaped cavity in the middle of the top roll. CSE emanations can be easily picked up by the palm, particularly in a counter-solar position. You will get interesting sensations if you press this “microcone” to your forehead.

“Perpetuum mobile”.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 4

I surrounded my above described device [for registering CSE emanations; a straw indicator suspended on a cobweb thread] with seven funnel-shaped rolls of film [see above].Slowly leaving the zone of impact of one roll, the straw would enter the power field of another, then the third, and so on…This experiment is most successful in a sound-insulated chamber, away from wires, pipes, sources of heat, cold, and bright light. There is no miracle here: matter is eternal in its endless movement.

A solar ether- and beam radiator.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 5

This intricate name was devised by the Leipzig professor Otto Kornschelt who discovered the CSE over 100 years ago and produced devices for its practical application in medicine, agriculture, and technology. Rhythmic caverns were formed in them by cooper chains.The devices were positioned with their backsides facing the sun. It is indeed true that new inventions are simply well-forgotten old ones. The sensations described by Kornschelt are identical to the ones I experienced in my own independent work.I learned about Korschelt’s experiments very recently from M. Platten’s New Medical Technique, vol. III, St. Petersburg, 1886, where the following drawing of the device is reproduced.

“The sieve CSE”. In the old days, in several areas headaches and concussion symptoms were treated with an ordinary flour sieve that was held above the head of the patient, net up. Alternatively, the patient squeezed the rim between the teeth, with the net in front of the face. The sieve material is unimportant. The device works better if the patient faces the sun (north at midnight). This type of CSE is also perceivable by healthy people.

The CSE and the planets. The planets of our Solar system are situated at certain distances from the sun. The Ticius-Bodet formula for the distance is this: 4 is added to the numbers 3, 6, 12, 36, etc (a geometrical progression), and the resulting number is divided by 10. The cause for this regularity is unknown. The empty spot in this progression (between Mars and Jupiter) is occupied by asteroids. The Kemerovo physicist V. Iu. Kaznev thinks that the regularity is determined by the CSE generated by the sun: the matter of planets was grouped in the areas of the sun’s field force concentration.

The CSE in daily life. Perceivable waves of matter are emanated by piles of pipes, some caves, underground tunnels, tree crowns; the shape of premises is also significant (round, cornered, cupolaed). The wall and furniture material also emanates a CSE of certain parameters.

“Micro-CSE”. The CSE effect may be manifested not just in galactic or household scales, but also in micro-world, in substances whose molecules have caverns of certain shapes. For example, in naphthalene. I filled a one-liter jar with it, sealed it, and suspended it from the ceiling. People beneath it felt with their palms a whole system of power field “clots”. (more son if the receptacle was suspended above the top of the head). Activated charcoal is also a multi-cavernous structure. Hold 2-3 tablets of such charcoal in your fingers as demonstrated in the picture and for a few minutes move your hands slightly up and down, or parting and joining them. Write to me about the results.


3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 6

I have so far isolated 4 CSE emanators beneficial for humans: bee honeycombs, a grid of joined hands (more about it in the next chapter), a sieve, a phylactery otherwise known as tefelin.What is it? An old device: a tightly sown leather cube attached to a leather platform with two bands. Inside the cube there are four strips of parchment-tightly rolled, bleached, soft kidskin with Talmudic inscriptions. A worshippers attached the device to his forehead, with the axes of parchment rolls perpendicular to the forehead and their outer ends facing East. It turns out, the inscriptions were unimportant; what matters is the material, shape, and dimensions.Made of different materials, the device only causes unpleasant sensations, while a leather tefelin produces a beneficial physiological effect-besides the shape and other factors, the microstructure of the material must have a part in it too.

Thot’s Scepter.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 7

The ancient Egyptian deity Thoth is a god of science, sorcery, and an “accountant” of the dead’s earthly deeds. This is the design of his staff: 2- or 3mm copper wire is twisted at the end in the shape of a flat spiral, with 3-4 coils, each 10 cm in diameter’; closer to the handle there are 2 coils of transverse, 3-dimensional spiral, each 5 cm in diameter.The wire is inserted in the 16-cm-long square-sectioned handle of dense wood, 4 cm thick at base and 1.5 cm thick at its end; the entire staff with the wire is 41 cm long. The narrow end of the handle has 13 deep accordion-shaped cuts.The staff works even without the wire (albeit not as strongly); the wire is thin and could be of any material but works best if thickly insulated-two layers increases its effect.If you hold the staff as demonstrated in the picture, the total radiation emanating from the center of the large spiral, perpendicular to its surface, are very well-perceivable by the human palm on both sides.I never found out for what purpose ancient Egyptians used this “double-beam” emanator.

The Pyramid of Cheops.

The Pyramid of Cheops.

Make a pyramid of 3-4 layers of thick, porous wrapping paper: 202×20 cm square base, ascending edges 19cm each. Glue it only at the edges, the tighter the better, but in a thin line.Make a 5-6 cm hole in the middle of one of the side facets. Hold a 10 cm-long piece of drawing coal in your fingers, or simply a pencil, and insert this indicator into the hole, slanting the other end toward the bottom of the pyramid. “Stir” the space inside the pyramid with the indicator, take it out, then repeat the procedure about 30 times.You will soon pick up an active zone-a “clot”-where the Egyptians had their tombs. Another active zone, above the top of the pyramid, is also well-perceived by the indicator if you drag its end over he top. After some practice, the “clot” and the “torch” are well-felt by the finger inserted into he pyramid, or a palm moved above it.

The pyramid effect that generated over the centuries many scary, mysterious stories is one of the CSE manifestations.

The pyramid skeleton.

The pyramid skeleton.

Similar interesting qualities are displayed by pyramids of the same dimensions but only skeletal, without facets-a skeleton glued together of 8 smooth, firm straws. Here we get the effect of the total CSE of the straws with their complex capillary structure and the effect of the entire cavern. Such pyramids can also be made in other sizes, with a proportional increase in the length of the edges.Hold such a pyramid above the head of your friend, bottom down, for about 5 min, then bottom up. Conduct additional experiments with insects (bumblebees, developing caterpillars, etc.), house plants, and perishable foods by placing the latter within the pyramid, above and underneath it (always checking your experiments by identical ones but without the CSE effect). And you will see that ancient Egyptians had their reason to build pyramids…



This is the name for a contactless movement of light objects of which the so-called gifted people are capable-i. e. moving a match box on a table without touching it, holding a tennis ball in the air…I submit that everyone has this ability. Suspend the described skeletal pyramid by its top from the ceiling on a thin, artificial thread, or better still on a long shred of elastic torn from a stocking. Choose a spot with the lowest convection (air circulation).

In a few hours, when the pyramid stops rotating, from a 2-meter distance point at it a “tube” made up of two hands (see picture). In a few minutes (do not lose your “target”), the pyramid will start rotating clockwise under the pressure of this beam of CSE energy. Stop the rotation by moving the “tube” to the right side of the skeleton-it will start rotating counter-clockwise.

Conduct experiments of various duration, after various time intervals and at various distance. You will see that telekinesis is no miracle, but only one of the manifestations of the Will of Matter that is available to a chosen few but to everyone. The thing is that the palm is also a multi-cavernous structure that clearly repels the indicator of the straw-cobweb device described in this chapter. By using it and the skeletal pyramid, you can practice and develop your “telekinetic” abilities, significantly increasing them.

“The CSE of cereals”.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 8

Fasten a bunch of 30-40 ripe wheat ears, better with short stems, inside a low cone of dark paper-as in the picture.
Hand-perceivable emanations repel the straw indicator of the same device through any screens-even sharper than some honeycombs.
This effect is produced by multiple wedge-shaped sinuses between ear scales that are directed at an acute angle toward the bottom of the ear.

Haymaking with “miracles”.

3. Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov 9

In my youth, I was shown the following: a fragment of a cut stem, the length of a short pencil, was placed on the blade of a scythe, next to its blunt edge; another stem fragment of the same length, placed on the blade in the same manner but at some distance, was pushed by the hand to the first one.At about 8cm, the first stem got moving, “ran away” from the second stem along the rim. Th experiment wasn’t always successful; it usually occurred right after the cutting a large amount of grass from the same spot; I forgot some elements or conditions of the experiment.I think the following factors were at work here: an abrupt change of the total CSE field on the “deformed” meadow (let us remember the windfall case), the grid of the reaper’s fingers, the multi-cavernous properties of the stem itself, and perhaps its position against the morning sun. Static electricity is excluded as everything at that hour is wet.

Identified Flying Objects. A long time ago, in a remote Caucasus village, I was surprised that people walk around the mountains at night, through dense forests. They all had lit cigarettes in their mouths, are all waving their hands, and their cigarette lights for a second disappear behind their bodies…. It turned out those weren’t cigarettes, but local fireflies, Luceola mingredica; their light twinkle in this manner.

Meanwhile, UFO reports and letters from my readers tell of dark flying saucers that turn out either a flock of birds or a compact swarm of insects . I myself saw in Siberia not just “columns” of insects but also “balls” , 3 or 4 meters in diameter: in one case those were some mosquito-like fliers, in another, winged ants of the Mirmica genus. From afar this swarm could by taken by an ignorant person for a huge, round plasmoid.

A detailed description of the CSE effect may be found in my book Mysteries of the World of Insects (Novosibirsk, 1990), in the journals Sibirskii vestnik selskokhoziastvennoi nauki, no.3, 1984, and Pchlovodstvo, no. 12, 1984. The physical nature of CSE is described in Non-periodic Galloping Phenomena in the Environment, vol. III (Tomsk, 1988). All in all I have published over three dozen articles on the CSE.

As promised, I will describe the rest in my next book. I will call it as I called this chapter: Flight.

Anti Gravity Platform of Grebennikov

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