THE AETHER. Is Pure Conscious Oneness


2.7.1 CANCER
Backster’s findings with our cells help explain the fact that cancer is now shown by medical professionals such as Deepak Chopra and Andrew Weil to be a direct manifestation of anger, or the resistance to love. These studies also reveal that those who are the healthiest and live the longest are also the happiest and the freest from worry, fear and hatred, thereby accepting love into their lives.

In other words, stress and shock are not simply isolated from the bodily system; they fundamentally affect all cells of the bodily system.

What had once seemed to be metaphysical speculation is now becoming an established medical fact. If you want to live longer, you need to have effective stress management skills, and learn how to communicate effectively to dissipate your anger.

Furthermore, if the Backster effect can occur within the cells of one person whether the cells are within or separate from the body, then it is foolish to assume that this effect is not also passed between human beings to some degree as well, then directly affecting the emotional states of others around them.

This is one reason for why very sensitive, intuitive people can end up having constant battles with depression; they are unable to “shut off” the disharmony of the people around them. And on a more positive note, the highly well-crafted “Maharishi effect” experiment showed that while a large group of trained people meditated together in a major city, the amount of violent events in that city noticeably declined.

A good, short account of this experiment is featured in the book Cosmic Voyage by Dr. Courtney Brown, head of The Farsight Institute:

In the December 1988 issue of the Journal of Conflict Resolution, a methodologically sophisticated article appeared which claimed that groups of meditators practicing Transcendental Meditation and the more involved TM-Sidhi Program in one place could influence the level of conflict in nearby locations (Orme-Johnson et al. 1988). This phenomenon is labeled the “Maharishi Effect” in honor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The article was considered controversial when it was published, and by all accounts it still is.

Again, what we are fundamentally seeing with this effect is that there is a medium that human consciousness travels through; and indeed, it may be the very formation of that consciousness as well.

In an aetheric model, this movement could simply be seen as what we have defined as Love:

Love is the tendency for entities within the Unified Field, whether human, “particle” or otherwise, to increasingly radiate Harmonic Unity, through vibrational motion.”

And in the case of the Transcendental meditators, somehow the process of stilling the mind, having loving thoughts and breathing deeply is causing there to be a raising of vibration, which then ripples through the consciousness of humanity much as the lowering of vibration through pain had rippled through the Planaria worm family in Backster’s demonstration.

So, if you are willing to still your mind in loving consciousness, you may very well be able to cause a movement of the energy around you. But exactly how much motion is a human being capable of creating in this aether?

If all physical objects are created from this energy as well, then must this only remain a movement within consciousness, or could it be physical motion as well?

Indeed, some of those on our planet are already developing the abilities that are said to be commonplace in higher realms of vibration – abilities such as ESP, precognition, levitation, spontaneous manifestation/demanifestation of objects, the ability to see auras, heal others and the like, all of which can occur in the aetheric model.

Numerous Christian saints were eye-witnessed and documented as levitating, such as St. Teresa (1515-82) who said the following:

It comes, in general, as a shock, quick and sharp, before you can collect your thoughts, or help yourself in any way, and you see and feel it as a cloud, or a strong eagle rising upwards and carrying you away on its wings.

This author and others have personally felt the preliminary stages of what St. Teresa was describing, including a “quick and sharp feeling before you can collect your thoughts” and a feeling that “your soul was carried away” through the top of your head.

Wilcock has named this phenomenon the “ear blast,” since it seems to originate as a pulsating vibration in the ears that causes, or is a result of, a sudden, shocking vibrational increase in consciousness. In our case, this has never gone fully into levitation of any kind, but there is still hope! Mainstream Catholic records report that St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-63) was literally able to fly eight or more feet above the ground, and this was publicly observed over 100 times.

Once he also grabbed onto another friar and carried him around the room, and soon after his death, fellow witnesses confirmed under an oath before God that they had seen St. Joseph levitate. It is highly unlikely that they would have lied, given what such an oath would have meant for them. 

More recently, we have the case of Mr. DD Home who has also been documented as levitating his body in the 19th century, by reputable scientific researchers, world leaders and crowned dignitaries who observed it firsthand in the eastern Lake Ontario, Canada area from 1820 to 1850.

Not only could Home levitate, he could perform many other feats, including plunging his hands or head into fire and not getting burned, and even levitating an accordion inside of a cage and playing a tune on it.

Michael Talbot’s book The Holographic Universe contains a treasure-trove of fascinating accounts just like this one, and should be considered “required reading” for those who truly wish to study and integrate this new paradigm. 

Regardless of what any particular reader is willing to believe regarding metaphysical phenomena such as levitation, there are certainly an ever-increasing number of people who are having valid mystical experiences and are reluctant to discuss them in public for fear of ridicule. In October 2000, an otherwise ordinary furniture salesman revealed to this author that his son had levitated three feet off the ground in a well-lit room during a séance – and it was only after Wilcock revealed the truth of his career and findings that the man had enough trust to offer the information.

Naturally, a skeptic will just continue to say “He’s lying” unless the proof is individually witnessed – other certified witnesses such as in the case of St. Joseph of Cupertino are ignored. However, now we can loosen those shackles, as the existence of the conscious aether makes all varieties of mystical phenomena possible, by providing a medium for consciousness to travel through and thus cause action-at-a-distance, even to the point of causing the direct levitation of objects or the human body.

And telekinesis has very definitely been studied in the laboratory setting.


If a human being can make objects levitate and move through “empty space” by themselves, then our current scientific understandings are in need of serious revision.

As we said, if love is simply a motion of energy that trends toward a higher level of vibration, then this might not have to be a motion solely within the nonphysical field of consciousness; physical matter can be affected as well, even to the levitation of the body.

However, the data on levitation is still open to other interpretations, some of which are simply religious and do not bother with the question of “how.” In the mind of the scientist, the universe is composed of four basic forces: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear and strong nuclear force. If the aether truly forms all of physical matter and either creates or is a function of consciousness, then there must be a way for consciousness to spontaneously generate any of these four basic forces we have cited, in addition to being able to move physical objects.

If we can’t find the basic forces of the Universe created in this movement of consciousness, then the entire, widespread body of data “can’t be true.” 

Rigorous studies of the phenomenon of psychokinesis were conducted in the former Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, later reported on in the unclassified Defense Intelligence Agency’s Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research (U), by Mr. Louis F. Maire III and Major J.D. LaMoth, MSC, published September 1975.

Since it appears that these countries were far ahead of the United States in this research, it is worthwhile to pursue these leads – as most Westerners are not aware of the degree of scientific progress that has been made in the former Soviet bloc on these areas. In these studies, the aetheric energy being harnessed is referred to as “bioplasma.”

We have italicized certain portions of this rather long excerpt below for emphasis.

Psychokinesis (PK), or as it is sometimes called, telekinesis, is the ability to influence animate or inanimate objects at a distance, without physical contact, by means of uncontrolled or controlled biological energy fields.

Some, but not all, of the effects of PK include: initiation or cessation of motion in inanimate objects; apparent neutralization of the effect of gravity on inanimate objects (levitation); induction of changes in physiological processes of animate matter; the creation of measurable electric, electromagnetic, electrostatic, magnetic or gravitational fields around target objects; and the imposition of images on shielded photographic emulsions…

[Note: Right away, the criteria for human consciousness to create the basic energy fields in the Universe has been satisfied, published in a document from the US Defense Intelligence Agency.]

Soviet research has taken several different directions in efforts to develop materialistic explanations for observed PK effects.

This research has involved in-depth studies of the characteristics of the electrical field between subject and object, characterization of electrical fields immediately around the subject, study of bioelectrical fields by detection devices, study of subjects’ brain wave patterns, and photography of the subjects’ bioenergy fields. To date, Soviet scientists are by no means in accord concerning the nature of the forces involved, but all are in agreement that a physical energy is at work. 

Dr. Viktor G. Adamenko of the Moscow Institute of Radiophysics, Dr. Viktor Inyushin, of the Kazakh University, Alma-ata, and Dr. Genady Sergeyev of the A.A. Uktomskii Physiological Institute, Leningrad are the leading Soviet theoreticians studying PK.

Both Inyushin and Sergeyev have developed theories based on the existence of a new form of energy – a form of biological energy referred to as “bioplasma”. They consider PK effects as analogous to lightning accidentally charging a surface and feel that movement in PK occurs as a result of the interaction of the object’s electrostatic charge and electromagnetic field with the human operator’s field.

The biological energy involved is under conscious direction by the subject, who can make a target object start or stop motion, change direction or rotate. Sergeyev has developed instrumentation which measures changes in the bioplasmic field at distances up to 3 meters (9.9 feet); he has recorded fields of 10,000 volts/centimeter in the vicinity of a target object with no indication of an electrical field in the space between the subject and the object. According to Sergeyev, bioplasmic energy is maximally concentrated in the head region. He attributes PK to a polarization of the bioplasma in a laser-like fashion and refers to this as a “biolaser effect” which acts as a material force upon the object. 

Dr. Sergeyev has developed detectors that monitor the energy field during PK demonstrations. Although Western observers have been denied information on the construction of the detectors, (information reported to have been classified by the Soviet military,) details may have been published by the Soviet Academy of Sciences…

[Note: At this point the authors try to speculate as to what these detectors might be. We have omitted this portion and certain others. When we review Lt. Col. Tom Bearden’s work on Soviet scalar-wave technology we can see why it was classified, as he has written entire books on how the former Soviets had used this technology for weapons applications.]

Dr. Adamenko has conducted experiments to ascertain the role of electrostatic charges on the surface of target objects as the cause of their movement… Adamenko has shown that the material basis of contactless interaction between man and objects results from an electrostatic field whose magnitude depends on man’s physiological state…

…Adamenko makes reference to healing by “the laying on of hands” (in Western terms “faith healing”). The Soviets have measured electrical fields between “healers” and patients, yet knowing these field potentials they have not been able to duplicate the beneficial effects obtained from humans by means of mechanically generated fields…

In 1973 and 1974, a Soviet psychic named Boris Ermolayev participated in a series of experiments at Moscow University. Ermolayev is reported to have the ability to levitate (suspend) objects in midair by concentrating psychic energy at a focal point in space.

In some of the tests, Ermolayev pressed an object between his hands, then slowly moved his hands apart until they were approximately eight inches from the object, which remained suspended in the air. Soviet scientists claim that all tests were conducted under the strictest controls and that no strings or other devices of any kind were used.

Dubrov feels that Ermolayev’s levitation powers can be used to prove that space-time and gravitational changes occur in the area between the psychic’s hands and the object. He suggests that the transmission of electromagnetic energy of known velocity should be delayed when beamed through the levitation field. 

Two female subjects, Nina Kulagina and Alla Vinogradova, have been studied extensively by Drs. Sergeyev and Adamenko.

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